Understandably, the new heads of these communities are enthusiastic. In Nova Borova for example, the community needs a garbage truck, an ambulance, a football field, but most of all a new fire engine. Hryhorii Rudiuk just returned from a trip to Poland where he studied how decentralization works. During his time there, Polish colleagues offered a much needed fire engine and negotiations with the Polish town are nearly complete. Overflowing with excitement, Hryhorii shows us photos of the Polish fire engine on his smartphone, and then compares them with their 30 year old truck, patched up by local volunteers, that is currently being used. It's difficult to compare!
Such local initiatives are becoming more frequent: People are starting to take care of their environment, clean up their towns, and take care of buildings and local property. In a country where Soviet mentalities are still deeply entrenched, increasing individuals' responsibility is the best thing decentralization can bring.